Research Assistance Centres

Animal Maintenance

Reference: Estabulación animales
Teaching and research staff will be given advice on the planning and development of their experimental trials in relation to: • Maintenance and conservation of animal colonies (including genetically modified animals) • Management in the acquisition and maintenance of different species of experimental animals, rodents, rabbits and amphibians • Accommodation of the different species and strains under desired conditions • Handling, inoculation protocols and fluid extraction • Anaesthesia of animals • Humane killing of experimental animals • Alternatives to the use of experimental animals • Prevention and sanitary treatment of animals housed in the "Animal facilities" with regard to the use of antiparasitic agents and post-surgical treatments, among others. • Control of animal waste (faeces, litter, carcasses) to avoid potential environmental risk
Ref.: Ratón convencional UCM
User type: UCM
Amount: 0,10€ (effective date: 27/03/2023)
Charging unit: Day / animal maintenance
Ref.: Rata convencional UCM
User type: UCM
Amount: 0,14€ (effective date: 27/03/2023)
Charging unit: Day / animal maintenance
Ref.: Ratón en esterilidad con pienso irradiado UCM
User type: UCM
Amount: 0,14€ (effective date: 27/03/2023)
Charging unit: Day / animal maintenance
Ref.: Conejo
User type: UCM
Amount: 0,60€ (effective date: 27/03/2023)
Charging unit: Day / animal maintenance
Ref.: Ratón convencional OPI
User type: Public organization
Amount: 0,14€ (effective date: 27/03/2023)
Charging unit: Day / animal maintenance
Ref.: Rata convencional OPI
User type: Public organization
Amount: 0,20€ (effective date: 27/03/2023)
Charging unit: Day / animal maintenance
Ref.: Conejo OPI
User type: Public organization
Amount: 0,90€ (effective date: 27/03/2023)
Charging unit: Day / animal maintenance
Ref.: Ratón en esterilidad con pienso irradiado OPI
User type: Public organization
Amount: 0,20€ (effective date: 27/03/2023)
Charging unit: Day / animal maintenance
Ref.: Ratón convencional Empresa
User type: Private organization
Amount: 0,18€ (effective date: 27/03/2023)
Charging unit: Day / animal maintenance
Ref.: Rata convencional Empresa
User type: Private organization
Amount: 0,30€ (effective date: 27/03/2023)
Charging unit: Day / animal maintenance
Ref.: Conejo Empresa
User type: Private organization
Amount: 1,50€ (effective date: 27/03/2023)
Charging unit: Day / animal maintenance
Animal Facility Platform