Research Assistance Centres

Preclinic magnetic resonance imaging

Reference: IRM
Preclinical translational imaging technique with multiple applications. Used in the investigation of animal disease models and their evolution, for correlation with the clinic. It allows structural and anatomical, compositional and functional information to be obtained from the interior of a sample.

Due to its high contrast resolution in soft tissues, it is considered the technique of choice for the study of central nervous system and musculoskeletal lesions, differentiation and characterisation of tumours, cardiac imaging, among others. In recent decades magnetic resonance imaging has also been used in food research and materials science.

Purchase prices do not include consumables which, if provided by BioImaC, will be invoiced at the indicated rates.

Prior to the start of the service, the Application Form on this page must be sent to BioImaC.

The performance of studies at BIOIMAC implies compliance by users with the requirements for access to BIOIMAC with research animals indicated in the document on this page.

These are acquisitions without an operator that require prior training.

Only for ex vivo specimens.

To be indicated in the Service Request.
The storage conditions available at BioImaC are: room temperature, refrigeration in a fridge between 0ºC and 8ºC, storage in a freezer below -10ºC and desiccator.
For other conditions, provide the samples at the time of the study and collect at the end of the study.

At least 48 hours in advance. Cancellations with less notice will result in the study being invoiced.
Ref.: Adquisición Icon 1 Tesla
User type: UCM
Amount: 23,00€
Charging unit: €/daytime with operator
Ref.: Adquisición Icon 1 Tesla
User type: Public organization
Amount: 35,00€
Charging unit: €/daytime with operator
Ref.: Adquisición Icon 1 Tesla
User type: Private organization
Amount: 50,00€
Charging unit: €/daytime with operator
Ref.: Adquisición Icon 1 Tesla
User type: UCM
Amount: 12,00€
Charging unit: €/daytime without operator
Ref.: Adquisición Icon 1 Tesla
User type: Public organization
Amount: 25,00€
Charging unit: €/daytime without operator
Ref.: Adquisición Icon 1 Tesla
User type: Private organization
Amount: 35,00€
Charging unit: €/daytime without operator
Ref.: Adquisición Icon 1 Tesla
User type: UCM
Amount: 60,00€
Charging unit: €/night
Ref.: Adquisición Icon 1 Tesla
User type: Public organization
Amount: 75,00€
Charging unit: €/night
Ref.: Adquisición Icon 1 Tesla
User type: Private organization
Amount: 100,00€
Charging unit: €/night
Ref.: Procesado de datos Icon 1 Tesla
User type: UCM
Amount: 26,00€
Charging unit: €/hour
Ref.: Procesado de datos Icon 1 Tesla
User type: Public organization
Amount: 50,00€
Charging unit: €/hour
Ref.: Procesado de datos Icon 1 Tesla
User type: Private organization
Amount: 70,00€
Charging unit: €/hour
Ref.: Oxígeno
User type: UCM
Amount: 0,95€
Charging unit: €/bar
Ref.: Oxígeno
User type: Public organization
Amount: 0,95€
Charging unit: €/bar
Ref.: Oxígeno
User type: Private organization
Amount: 0,95€
Charging unit: €/bar
Ref.: Isoflurano
User type: UCM
Amount: 0,52€
Charging unit: €/cc
Ref.: Isoflurano
User type: Public organization
Amount: 0,52€
Charging unit: €/cc
Ref.: Isoflurano
User type: Private organization
Amount: 0,52€
Charging unit: €/cc
Ref.: Fluorinert
User type: UCM
Amount: 3,00€
Charging unit: €/ml
Ref.: Fluorinert
User type: Public organization
Amount: 3,00€
Charging unit: €/ml
Ref.: Fluorinert
User type: Private organization
Amount: 3,00€
Charging unit: €/ml
Ref.: Gadolinio
User type: UCM
Amount: 5,55€
Charging unit: €/ml
Ref.: Gadolinio
User type: Public organization
Amount: 5,55€
Charging unit: €/ml
Ref.: Gadolinio
User type: Private organization
Amount: 5,55€
Charging unit: €/ml
ICTS Complutense Bioimaging