Research Assistance Centres

Spectroscopy of semi-solid samples (tissues, foodstuffs, etc.)

Reference: HR-MAS
Heterogeneous sample analysis technique for biomedical and food applications.
The Bruker AVIII 500MHz equipment available at BioImaC is equipped with AVIII HD technology and different types of RF probes for sample analysis.
The HR-MAS (1H / 13C / 31P) probe is widely used for metabolomic studies, with application in BIOMEDICINE (analysis of tissue samples such as liver, brain, kidney, veins, lung, etc., and of urine, blood and other biological fluids) and in FOOD (analysis of samples of fruit, fish, cheese, meat, etc.). HR-MAS is characterised by the fact that it uses very small samples, without any type of sample manipulation and at controlled temperature.

A wide variety of samples in an intermediate state between liquid and solid (heterogeneous samples), such as intact biological tissue, biological fluids, foodstuffs, etc.

Prior to the start of the service, the Application Form on this page must be sent to BioImaC.
The performance of studies at BIOIMAC implies the fulfilment by users of the requirements for access to BIOIMAC with research animals indicated in the document on this page.

Sample Preparation" Services on behalf of BioImaC include D2O, internal standard and BioImaC rotor, with its preparation and washing.

Must be made more than 48 hours in advance. Cancellations with less notice will be invoiced for the estimated analysis time.
Ref.: Análisis HRMAS - Hora diurna
User type: UCM
Amount: 9,00€
Charging unit: € / h
Ref.: Análisis HRMAS - Hora diurna
User type: Public organization
Amount: 22,00€
Charging unit: € / h
Ref.: Análisis HRMAS - Hora diurna
User type: Private organization
Amount: 45,00€
Charging unit: € / h
Ref.: Análisis HRMAS - Hora nocturna
User type: UCM
Amount: 4,00€
Charging unit: €/hora
Ref.: Análisis HRMAS - Hora nocturna
User type: Public organization
Amount: 9,00€
Charging unit: €/hora
Ref.: Análisis HRMAS - Hora nocturna
User type: Private organization
Amount: 18,00€
Charging unit: €/hora
Ref.: Preparación de muestra HRMAS
User type: UCM
Amount: 22,00€
Charging unit: For sample
Ref.: Preparación de muestra HRMAS
User type: Public organization
Amount: 27,00€
Charging unit: For sample
Ref.: Preparación de muestra HRMAS
User type: Private organization
Amount: 37,00€
Charging unit: For sample
Ref.: Procesado de datos HR-MAS
User type: UCM
Amount: 25,00€
Charging unit: €/hora
Ref.: Procesado de datos HR-MAS
User type: Public organization
Amount: 35,00€
Charging unit: €/hora
Ref.: Procesado de datos HR-MAS
User type: Private organization
Amount: 45,00€
Charging unit: €/hora
ICTS Complutense Bioimaging