Research Assistance Centres

Bruker NEO 500MHz

The 500MHz instrument is primarily intended for structural elucidation of low to medium molecular weight compounds, and molecular diffusion (Dosy) experiments can also be performed for diffusion coefficient calculations. The 5mm TBO 1H/ 19F /BB (31P -15N) triple resonance probe with Z-gradients, which can decouple simultaneously in 1H and 19F and perform 3D 1H/13C/19F spectra, also allows nuclei between 31P and 15N to be made.
With the BBO probe we can record a wide range of frequencies (31P -107Ag). These experiments can be performed in a temperature range from -80ºC to +150ºC thanks to the BCUII. It is possible to go down to -80ºC without liquid nitrogen, from that temperature with liquid nitrogen.


- Triple resonance probe TBO 1H/ 19F /BB (31P -15N) of 5mm with Z-gradients, being able to decouple simultaneously in 1H and 19F.

- 5 mm TXI 1H - 13C - BB (31P -107Ag) probe with XYZ gradients.

- 5mm BBO 1H - BB (31P -107Ag) probe with Z gradients.


- Adapter for 3mm tubes.

- SampleCase 24 Sample Automatic Injector
CAI Chemical Technologies
Magnetic Resonance Unit