Research Assistance Centres

AVIII HD 300 MHz BACS-60 - Equipment Usage

Reference: AVIIIHD300
Includes programming costs. As a guideline, the following are approximate times of use of the spectrometer for the acquisition of experiments under standard conditions: 1H, 19F = 10 min; 13C, DEPT, 31P = 30 min; COSY, HMQC = 15 min; HMBC = 30min.

Samples must be prepared by the user. In case they are prepared by the personnel of the centre, there will be an additional cost of sample and solvent preparation.
Ref.: AVIIIHD300
User type: UCM
Amount: 2,00€
Charging unit: Hour
Ref.: AVIIIHD300
User type: Public organization
Amount: 5,00€
Charging unit: Hour
Ref.: AVIIIHD300
User type: Private organization
Amount: 12,00€
Charging unit: Hour
CAI Chemical Technologies
Magnetic Resonance Unit