Research Assistance Centres

UDRX_Other measurements not included in the offered standard services

Reference: UDRX_31_02 No Estándar
Category: Sección de Difracción de Policristal
The powder diffractometers in the XRD Unit are flexible enough tas to try non standard measurements or integrate experimental setups for in situ / in operando measurements.

Some of these special measurements already done are in situ xrd measurements of electrochemical cells (the user bring the experimental setup into our diffractometer to measure xrd patterns while the cell is working).

Other possible measurements can be the xy mapping of sample surface up to 54 x 54 mm.

This service request form is to present the project to the xrd technician in order to evaluate if the request can be satisfied by this service Unit.

Please, before to send this request, check through the offered standard service list to be sure you cannot use one of them instead.
Ref.: Preparación, pieza
User type: UCM
Amount: 4,00€
Charging unit: sample
Ref.: Medida, "Especial" Base
User type: UCM
Amount: 5,00€
Charging unit: 1 hour
CAI Chemical Technologies
X-ray Diffraction Unit