Research Assistance Centres

Analysis of the Sr isotope composition in water samples (more than 10 samples)

Reference: 04 Sr aguas >10
Analysis of the Sr isotope composition in low Rb content materials
Ref.: 04 Sr aguas >10 UCM
User type: UCM
Amount: 64,00€
Charging unit: for sample
Ref.: 04 Sr aguas >10 OPIs
User type: Public organization
Amount: 70,00€
Charging unit: for sample
Ref.: 04 Sr aguas >10 Empresa
User type: Private organization
Amount: 160,00€
Charging unit: for samplef
Ref.: 04 Sr aguas >10 UCM autoservicio
User type: UCM
Amount: 51,00€
Charging unit: for sample
Ref.: 04 Sr aguas >10 OPIs autoservicio
User type: Public organization
Amount: 56,00€
Charging unit: for sample
CAI Earth Sciences and Archeometry
Geocronology Unit