Audiovisual and Digital Contents for Teaching and Research Platform

Research Assistance Centres

Center for Research Support of Audiovisual and Digital Content for teaching and research


Center for research, training, creation and dissemination of products, projects and audiovisual formats at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the UCM

The Platform for Scientific Dissemination was created in 2008 by Professors Sánchez Andrada and Jiménez de las Heras of the UCM. In this period, hundreds of audiovisual pieces have been made, a dozen documentary feature films, and a documentary series broadcast on TVE, with many audiovisual professionals who have been trained in the Platform. Its objectives are the dissemination of science, culture and cooperation; the permanent formation of students; the synergy between the scientific area and that of communication; and the interrelation between a research methodology and a professional audiovisual approach.

The UCM Scientific Outreach Platform is based on an approach that combines academic and academic values, giving priority to research, with proven experience in the production of professional audiovisual creations with high scientific, social and cultural impact.

Since December 1, 2017, the Scientific Disclosure Platform has become part of the structure of Research Support Centers of the UCM, with the name of CAI of Digital Audiovisual Contents.