The Unit for Cytometry and Fluorescente Microscopy of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) is a core technical and scienctific support to researchers from the own University but also from other outer public and private scientific Institutions, principally interested in the study of the phenotypical and functional characerization of animal and plant cells and tissues. It is located on the upper floor of the National Centre of Electron Microscopy, closed to the library of the Faculty of Chemistry at the Moncloa campus of UCM. Available technologies include analyzer and sorting flow cytometers, fluorescence, confocal and multiphoton microscopes as well as a technical group of postgraduate and PhD doctors with recognized expertice in the use of the mentioned equipment and the interpretations of obtained results. The Centre works under demand according to rules and prices established by University authorities. (see Operating Rules)
CAI Biological Techniques
Flow Citometry and Fluorescence Microscopy Unit
Edificio ICTS Microscopía, planta superior
Avenida Ciudad Universitaria s/n, Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas
28040 MADRID (Madrid)
913944938 | - Research Infraestructure | 913941644 | - Head of Group |