Research Assistance Centres

Fixed-wing ebee drone with a senseFly S.O.D.A rgb camera

Remote sensing is understood as the science that is responsible for acquiring and processing information from a distance about the Earth without being in direct contact with the measured objects. Remote sensing uses the reflection, absorption, transmission and emission of electromagnetic energy from all materials, with specific wavelengths. In this way, image sensors are devices that can capture electromagnetic radiation in numerical values ​​capable of forming a digital image in a raster format. Image acquisition cameras obtain information from the bands of the visible electromagnetic spectrum (Blue, Green and Red) in addition to the infrared spectrum (Near, Middle and Far). The latter, through the implementation of specific indices, is able to document the photosynthetic pigments of plant elements, and thus establish their status.

Thanks to the implementation of multispectral cameras in drones, it has been possible to obtain large surfaces with pixel resolutions below 1 cm. This characteristic allows studies of the effect of a deposit on the differential growth of plants or crops and new deposits can be discovered.

Fixed-wing drones have improved with high-speed cameras and can collect data from 200 Ha in two hours of flight with 3-cm pixel resolutions.

In the field of archeology, it is very useful, since as a non-invasive prospecting technique, it is capable of analyzing large areas of land, determining the state of plant elements, which in turn reveal the presence or absence of underlying structures.
CAI Earth Sciences and Archeometry
Archeometry and Archeological Analysis Unit