A new TIMS for the Complutense University of Madrid
The Geochronology Facility obtains funding for the acquisition of a new Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometer (TIMS).
The Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the State Research Agency, has granted aid for the acquisition of new scientific and technical equipment to the Geochronology Facility of the CAI of Earth Sciences and Archaeometry of the Complutense University. The funding obtained is part of the investment for the strengthening of capacities, infrastructures and equipment and will correspond to the purchase and commissioning of a new Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometer (TIMS).
The Geochronology Unit (UCM) already has another TIMS within a fully established laboratory with experience in the analysis of the isotopic composition of geological, archaeological and environmental materials for more than 25 years. This new equipment will represent a substantial improvement in the analytical offer of the laboratory, as well as an update of the existing equipment, which will surely provide excellent opportunities to offer new options to the national and international scientific community.