Research Assistance Centres

HRMAS spectroscopy

Technique for the analysis of a wide variety of samples in a semi-solid state, intermediate between liquid and solid, such as intact biological tissue or foodstuffs.

Based on solid NMR, the sample is subjected to high-speed rotation at the so-called magic angle, in order to average anisotropic interactions, leading to narrower linewidths, obtaining high-resolution spectra from intact tissue, without resorting to any type of extraction prior to sample analysis.

HR-MAS is widely used for metabolomic studies, with application in BIOMEDICINE (analysis of tissue samples such as liver, brain, kidney, veins, lung, etc., and of urine, blood and other biological fluids) and in FOOD (analysis of samples of fruits, fish, cheese, meats, etc.). HR - MAS has the following singularities regarding the analysis: very small samples (a reduced quantity is introduced in the rotor), without any sample manipulation and at controlled temperature.
Palmira Villa Valverde
ICTS Complutense Bioimaging