Research Assistance Centres

Determination of Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)

Reference: Determinación de la Capacidad de Intercambio Catiónico (CIC)
The determination of the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) is carried out using the copper (II) complex method with triethylenetetramine (Cu-TRIEN) and UV-Vis Spectrophotometry as an analysis technique.
This chemical property of soil and clay minerals refers to the total amount of negative charges that are available on the surface of the substrate particles. It can also be defined as the total number of exchangeable cations that a substrate can or is capable of retaining (total amount of negative charge). The major influence on CEC comes from soil clays and organic matter.
Knowing the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) of a soil or clay mineral is essential, since this value indicates the potential of a substrate to retain and exchange nutrients. In addition to directly affecting the amount and frequency of fertilizer application.
Ref.: Determinación de la Capacidad de Intercambio Catió
User type: UCM
Amount: 0,00€
Charging unit: Consulting
Ref.: Determinación de la Capacidad de Intercambio Catió
User type: Public organization
Amount: 0,00€
Charging unit: Consulting
Ref.: Determinación de la Capacidad de Intercambio Catió
User type: Private organization
Amount: 0,00€
Charging unit: Consulting
CAI Earth Sciences and Archeometry
Geological Techniques Unit