Research Assistance Centres

UDRX_Powder Diffraction by reflection_Conventional measurement_Self-service

Reference: UDRX_31_04
Category: Sección de Difracción de Policristal
Diffractometer with th/th configuration and fixed slit Bragg-Brentano optics with secondary monochromator and sealed Xenon detector, it has a spinner to rotate the samples while they are measured. Dedicated to routine phase analysis. This diffractometer is in self-service mode and for its use it is necessary to receive training and follow operating rules.
Ref.: Difractograma menos de 1 hora
User type: UCM
Amount: 5,00€
Charging unit: For sample
Ref.: Difractograma tiempo adicional 20 min
User type: UCM
Amount: 2,00€
Charging unit: For sample
CAI Chemical Technologies
X-ray Diffraction Unit

Occupancy calendars
UDRX_Time booked calendar in self-service diffractometer X'Pert Powder